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Costa Rica BMHS Student Trip 2025 Image
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Costa Rica BMHS Student Trip 2025

by: Julie Horvath

BMHS students who want to go to Costa Rica for 8 days in 2025 could use your help. Please consider making a donation to help reduce the cost to students for this once-in-a-lifetime experience. Students will practice their Spanish, learn about Costa Rican culture and environmental conservation. We'll walk through the rainforest and learn about the animals and their habitats. We'll spend time at a school for a service-learning day. Our host families will teach us culinary tricks for making some typical Costa Rican foods. We even get to take a salsa dance class. We will visit a pineapple farm, taste hot chocolate the way indigenous groups prepared it historically, and play some sand volleyball on a private beach for an afternoon. One day we get to swim in natural thermal hot springs, then hike and zip-line on the side of a volcano. Our bilingual tour guide will share their collegiate knowledge about Costa Rican history, cultures, environment, conservation and politics.Our DLI and Spanish-as-a-second-language students have this unique opportunity to showcase their learning as they work toward DPI Industry-Recognized Credentials as bilingual awards (Seal of Bi-literacy and Global Scholars Program Award) through this global communities trip. We thank you for any donation.

Beloit Memorial High School

Beloit, WI

Scotland Fringe Festival Image
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Scotland Fringe Festival

by: Greg Wallendal

The Beloit Memorial High School Theatre has once again been invited to perform at the largest theatre festival in the world, the Edinburgh Fringe Festival. We will prepare and perform a showpiece at the Fringe in August 2024, just as we did in 2010, 2013, and 2016. Fringe is a two-week trip in which we stay two nights in London for sightseeing and theatre in the West End, followed by ten nights in Edinburgh to explore and perform at the Fringe Festival. Please donate to help our students gain this powerful, unforgettable lifetime experience.

Beloit Memorial High School

Beloit, WI

BMHS Cheer Uniform Campaign for Students in Need Image

BMHS Cheer Uniform Campaign for Students in Need

by: Regina Hendrix

Several BMHS Cheerleaders are in need of uniform assistance. We want everyone to be able to participate and not worry about monetary constraints. It would be greatly appreciated if anyone is interested in being a sponsor (any little bit helps). The full uniform package is $300, but donations are appreciated at any level, as they may not need full sponsorship. Please consider donating even a small amount, as "just" $10 is $10 less that parents have to pay! Thanks for any support you are willing to offer! And remember, donations are tax-deductible! GO, KNIGHTS!!

Beloit Memorial High School

Beloit, WI

Loads to Success for Beloit Students Image

Loads to Success for Beloit Students

by: Alexis Haenel

Loads 2 Success is a program that was created in 2017 but due to the COVID pandemic had to be put on hold. It is being revived to include 2 laundry drop off locations. It will be operating out of Beloit Memorial High School at 1225 4th St. and Beloit Learning Academy at 1033 Woodward Ave. This expansion will allow more students and their families access to clean clothing. Students will be assisting with the washing of the laundry at both locations and will provide daily living and job skills that they can use to gain employment and/or run their own households. This is a non-profit program and we do not charge to do the laundry. Your donation will help us purchase laundry detergent, dryer sheets, and supplies to support this program.

Beloit Learning Academy

Beloit, WI

Helping Youth Facing Homelessness Image
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Helping Youth Facing Homelessness

by: Robin Stuht

Did you know that approximately 500 youth and their families are identified as homeless each school year? Out of that number, approximately 75 are unaccompanied homeless teens who are not in the company of a parent or guardian who has physical custody. Students experiencing homelessness need additional help breaking down educational barriers to ensure they are receiving the same educational opportunities as their peers. A few ways that YOU can help our students is by providing monetary donations that will assist them in receiving food, clothing, hygiene, and basic need necessities.

Beloit School District

Beloit, WI

Beloit Memorial Jazz Orchestra is NYC Bound!  Essentially Ellington Finalist 2024 Image

Beloit Memorial Jazz Orchestra is NYC Bound! Essentially Ellington Finalist 2024

by: Chris Behrens

WE DID IT AGAIN! The Beloit Memorial Jazz Orchestra has been selected as one of only fifteen bands to participate in the 29th Annual Essentially Ellington High School Jazz Festival in New York City, May, 2024. REPRESENTING OUR COMMUNITY! It is an honor to return to New York and represent Beloit and our school district. It is also an opportunity to increase our knowledge of jazz history with site visits and tours, perform on the Jazz at Lincoln Center stage, and experience the Big Apple. WE NEED YOUR HELP! This is a special opportunity for us to travel to the East Coast and compete with the best, but it is also very expensive to fly and house students, chaperones, teachers, and their instruments for five days in Manhattan. We have to raise $56,000 in the next six weeks to fund this trip… HERE’S HOW YOU CAN HELP : 1. Make a donation on this website! 2. Come hear us play and donate at our special event: Details coming soon on our Facebook Page BMHS Jazz Band or check back here! We are proud to represent Beloit and we are grateful for your support!

Beloit Memorial High School

Beloit, WI

2024 Rising Knights HBCU College Tour Image

2024 Rising Knights HBCU College Tour

by: Regina Hendrix

This unique tour strives to stimulate interest among select students in attending one of the public or privately supported HBCUs. This year, we will visit eight colleges: Clark Atlanta University, Spelman College, Morehouse College, Morris Brown College, Claflin University, South Carolina State University, Tuskegee University, and Fort Valley State University. The project's long-term objective is to develop ways and means to ensure that qualified BMHS high school students become familiar with the historic mission of Black Colleges and Universities and their broad range of high-quality educational programs and academic fields. Another objective is to identify students who would especially benefit from the stimulating and supportive learning environments so characteristic of Historically Black Colleges and Universities. The 105 Historically Black Colleges and Universities, while comprising only three percent of the nation's 3,688 institutions of higher learning, are responsible for producing approximately 23 percent of all bachelor's degrees. Over 50 percent of African Americans who graduate from HBCUs go on to graduate or professional schools. HBCUs contribute to the continuing rise of black intellectuals, professionals, and creative artists, which is evident throughout American society. HBCUs graduate over 50 percent of African-American professionals, 50 percent of African American public school teachers, and 70 percent of African American dentists. HBCUs also award more than one in three of the degrees held by African Americans in natural sciences. By participating in this fundraiser, you will be helping approximately 30 young people in their pursuit of higher education! Our students will receive an enhanced awareness of the academic programs, entrance requirements, career opportunities, social and emotional support mechanisms, and financial resources offered by HBCUs. In addition, our own Knightingales Step Team will be performing! The trip will also include time when the youth will be able to see the most popular sites and attractions in the area and participate in a community service project.

Beloit Memorial High School

Beloit, WI

Grow Your Own Multicultural Teacher Scholarship 2022-2023 Image

Grow Your Own Multicultural Teacher Scholarship 2022-2023

by: Jennifer Paepke

The School District of Beloit is proud to continue our Grow Your Own Multicultural Teacher Scholarship Program to provide scholarships to minority students who decide to pursue careers in education. These new teachers will return to Beloit and our community of learners to begin their career. This year, we look forward to awarding a second scholarship to a current staff member in a support role who would like to complete their bachelor's degree, and begin teaching in the district! We are proud to announce that our we have our first teacher hired this year as a scholarship recipient now working at Todd Elementary! You help to support the journey of students becoming teachers! With extensive national debate about Closing the Achievement Gap in education, we believe having a quality diverse workforce is a key component to address this issue. However, in too many schools throughout our nation, school districts continue to struggle with educating a very diverse student population with a less-than-diverse workforce. According to the School District of Beloit's 2020-2021 Staffing, Recruitment & Retention (Diversity) Report (dated December 2020) there were 35 African Americans, 3 Indian/Alaskan, 9 Asians, and 33 Hispanic/Latinos out of a total of 503 professional educators within the entire school district. In essence, there were 80 minority professional educators out a total of 503, which is 15.84%. This is not reflective of our current student population of 69.1% minority students. The School District of Beloit believes that such a disparity is unacceptable and has taken action steps to address this issue. The School District of Beloit not only values diversity, but also believes our workforce should be reflective of the students and community it proudly serves. Additionally, the School District of Beloit believes that it is important that students see and possibly, have the opportunity to be taught by a teacher who looks like them within their educational experience. Therefore, in an effort to ensure a mix of diversity in our professional teaching workforce, the School District of Beloit launched the Grow Your Own Multicultural Teacher Scholarship Program. The goal of this scholarship is to encourage minorities to pursue teaching as a career and return back to teach in Beloit. Your support of the Grow Your Own Multicultural Teacher Scholarship Program not only helps our students, but the community as well. Diversity helps our students to be more globally competitive. Michael Lee, a diversity consultant said, "Diversity in the workplace increased creativity, increased productivity, promoted new attitudes, enhanced new language skills, expanded global understanding, and helped develop new processes and new solutions to difficult problems". Mary McCleod Bethune once said, "The growth or destruction of a nation begins in the homes of its people". Beloit is our home. An investment in our students is an investment in our future. Therefore, we ask that you support the Grow Your Own Multicultural Teacher Scholarship Program. A small investment today will yield great returns for our Beloit school district, community, and businesses tomorrow.

Beloit School District

Beloit, WI

BMHS Art Club - Social Justice Murals Image

BMHS Art Club - Social Justice Murals

by: elizabeth carpenter

Hello! Hope you are well This year art club will be creating a series of Social Justice Murals. Students are working safely at home designing and making artworks that we can piece together at the High School or other venues around town. Our first project is a BLM mural, consisting of all the letters which we plan to display in the windows at the HS. We are asking for funds for supplies. Thank you in advance!

Beloit Memorial High School

Beloit, WI

#Project AIU Image

#Project AIU

by: Jaymee Thompson

#Project AIU will develop connections and build relationships to create a safe environment at Beloit Memorial High School. Often, students feel that they are the only ones who are experiencing negative situations and are in turmoil on how to manage these feelings. Through AIU, Project AIU, and PBIS, the students will discover that they are not alone, they are not the only ones, and that they can make a difference by being empowered. Expectations that students will use their words and voice to express themselves will be clear and concise. Ample opportunity to learn alternative skills to violence, practice them, and transfer those skills to other settings is an essential element to this project.

Beloit Memorial High School

Beloit, WI