by Ryan Anderson

Joining the Classmunity team has been an exciting opportunity as I am passionate about raising money for athletics and education. As a former school administrator, I loved finding creative ways to enhance the opportunities for our kids with better equipment, facilities, and experiences. While in the seat as an athletic and activities director, we raised over $1.5 million for the kids of our school and community. Much of our fundraising was done by using Classmunity. I’m proud to tell my colleagues that I’ve made the leap from the school setting to the ownership group of one of the fastest rising fundraising tools available.

The evolution of Classmunity continues to impress administrators across the country. The Classmunity team has been challenged by subscribers to find the best way to help our schools, teams, and clubs the most money possible. I am proud that our school district was one of the first who invested in the Classmunity platform. I can attest that Classmunity is changing to the needs of the users.

When Classmunity started in 2015, it was a platform that outperformed rival crowd funding sites by providing a lower rate to allow more money to be raised by groups. When subscribers asked for more options, Classmunity delivered yet again. The user-friendly platform has turned into a one stop shop for fundraising groups as it has created avenues for groups to sell apparel, sell tickets to events, sell goods, and even collect contributions for capital projects- all without collecting cash or checks! In the past three years, Classmuity has helped organizations raise over $6.5 million!

We are excited to announce the latest trend in fundraising- Quick & Easy fundraising. Q&E allows groups to collect money from family, friends, and community members FAST without selling anything! We can help your groups bring in thousands of dollars in just 21 days- and almost 10% less fees than major competitors! You will be assigned a team coach who will collect the information from your team members. Each team member will have his/her own fundraising page. The best thing about Q&E fundraising is that all the money will be collected online and will be deposited into your activity account! To get started with a Quick & Easy campaign, drop me a line at to get started.

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