• Fundraising Management Software for Schools

Track Your Fundraisers from Start to Finish

Our end to end fundraising management system tracks everything from when a teacher decides to run a fundraiser to when the last dollar is deposited in your school’s designated bank account.

Integrated pre-approval process

Say goodbye to relying on verbal or email approvals. Teachers quickly and easily create campaigns, and administrators review and approve them at the click of a button.

Real-time fundraising reports

Conveniently track the performance of all your fundraisers from your desktop, laptop, tablet or smartphones.

Secure credit card processing

Protect your donors with Classmunity’s PCI compliant platform. Our platform is built upon Stripe, the gold standard in secure online credit card processing.

Flexible Fundraising Tools

Easy to use tools for all your fundraising needs

Donation Campaigns

Set up professional donation campaigns in as little as 6 minutes.
Track cash and check while also securely accepting credit
card donations online and in-person.  

Event Registration and E-Tickets

Collect attendee registration information for your events and provide customized e-tickets. Read more about how one of our district’s runs its golf outing here.

Online Market Place

Easily set up and track product based fundraisers and including selling products online.

Spend less time fundraising

Reach your district’s full fundraising potential by modernizing your fundraising.

Student progress tracking

Track student progress with real-time reports for contests, scholarships and more.

Automated Customized Receipts

No more having to write out paper receipts, for every donation a customized automated receipt can be sent to the donor’s email.

Keep more of your hard earned dollars

Modernize your traditional fundraisers such as cookie dough and gift wrapping paper by making sure there is an easy way for someone to donate without having to buy a product.
